The ultimate Trade Me upgrade for private landlords
Maximise your exposure with a Premium Listing to find great tenants for the best price.

Premium Listings are not normally available to private landlords.
Achieve the ultimate reach with Trade Me’s top performing listing.

The power of Trade Me’s marketing with myRent's time-saving tools
Why use myRent to advertise on Trade Me?

Get access to 130,000 potential tenants daily by adding a Trade Me Premium advert. Make your listing stand out in the crowd and attract more listing views and enquiries.
Through myRent you are able to access reduced rates and products not available to private landlords.
From 1st Jan, 2021, Trade Me updated their pricing. So you may have noticed that our Trade Me upgrade fee went up. However, as part of the our pricing review we’ve negotiated a much better offer for private landlords.
All myRent landlords who choose to pay for a Trade Me listing will get Trade Me's best listing offer - Premium listing - which is not available to private landlords listing directly on Trade Me. This significantly increases the exposure of your listing and will result in more enquiries and a better selection of tenants.
4.8 out of 5 rating of "Excellent" on Trustpilot
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