The easiest and fastest way to find great tenants.

Advertise on NZ's largest property websites from just $55

Create advert
47 enquiries
Received in the first 2 weeks on average.
34,000 + properties
Rented on myRent to date.
Received per listing on average.
9,000+ tenants
Subscribed to get alerts of new listings.

One listing -
shown in all the right places

How it works

All the tools you need to secure great tenants.

1. Easy listing creation

It’s simple to create (and edit) your listing. We'll automatically publish it within minutes and keep it updated across all our partner websites. Learn more

2. Enquiries

You’ll receive enquiries from all of our listing partner sites into one consolidated inbox. So you can view, respond to, and manage all of your enquiries in one spot.

3. Powerful tools to stay organised

Shortlist the best candidates, softly decline unsuitable applicants, write private notes, invite tenants to complete an application and keep track of all applicants details.

4. Simplify viewings & open homes

Easily schedule, invite, re-schedule, and cancel viewings. Send automated reminders to applicants, and keep track of who RSVP’d to your open homes. Learn more

5. Compliant digital applications

Receive online applications from potential tenants before or after viewings. Make better decisions with all of the information at your fingertips. Learn more

Optional extras:

Tenant checks
With a couple of clicks you can order NZ’s most thorough tenant check.
Tenancy Agreement & Bond Lodgement
Create a legally compliant tenancy agreement, have everything e-signed by both you and your tenants and automatically lodge your bond with Tenancy Services.

Let's get your rental listed

What does it cost?

Base Listing
myRent Logo
myRent listing Logo listing
OneRoof Logo
OneRoof listing
Trovit Logo
Trovit listing
Facebook Logo
Listing posted on Facebook
myRent Logo
Email to myRent tenant database
9,000+ active subscribers
Stay organised with an easy-to-use inbox
Shortlist potential tenants
Digital tenant applications
Viewing and open home scheduler
Save private notes on applicants
Easy listing management
Add a Trade MePremium Listing
Trade Me Logo
Maximise your results with a Trade Me Premium listing
Top of search results for the ultimate visibility
Premium is not normally available to private landlords
60% increase in listing views with Premium
A better outcome with better tenants
Homes Logo
Each Trade Me upgrade includes a listing on


Why is the price so cheap?
myRent has 36,000+ NZ landlords using the platform, and due to our volume we are able to negotiate a reseller discount with Trade Me.
Do you charge fees to tenants?
myRent does not charge tenants any fees.
Can I advertise my property on myRent without using the myRent self-management software?
Advertising with myRent does not require you to use our property self-management software. However, for $19 per month and with a 1 month free trial, you would be silly not to try it. Learn more about management.
How do potential tenants contact me?

Tenants will be able to enquire on Trade Me, myRent, or any of our other partner sites. All enquires will be sent to you via email with all the tenants' details. You will also be able to access your enquires through your dashboard where you can categorise, sort, and add notes - meaning organising viewings is a breeze.

Unfortunately, due to the terms of our advertising agreements with our partner sites you will not be able to include personal contact details in your listing.

Can I edit my listing?
Yes, you can edit your listing as many times as you like. Updating your listing on myRent means it's updated on all our partner websites as well.
For how long will my listing stay active?
We advertise your property until it's rented or no longer available. For reference, the average rental on myRent goes under offer in 11 days. We do have to comply with fair usage policies of our partner sites, and remove old listings after 6 months. It is incredibly rare for a landlord to fail to find a suitable tenant with us.
Who can use this service?
myRent is built for landlords to advertise their property and to connect directly with tenants.

What our landlords have to say about myRent

“Advertising a property is easy. Recently I had a tenant bail out on a new tenancy... On Friday, I got an advert online on multiple websites in just a few minutes and had begun tenant shortlisting. On Sunday, I held an open home and by the end of Monday, I had selected a tenant and completed the tenancy agreement. On Tuesday, the bond and first rent was paid. I used myRent for all of this and it just makes the process very streamlined, predictable and easy.”
Peter Thomas
Managing 20 properties in Christchurch

“myRent has been a huge help, and has helped to keep up with changes to the Residential Tenancies Act.”

Sue Harrison
Managing 14 properties in Christchurch

“myRent consolidate all aspects of tenant management in a single app. My tenants love the simplicity of the platform and having a record of their correspondence. I would recommend myRent to any Landlord who wants to spend less time managing property.”

Managing 5 properties in Wellington

“Using myRent has been so seamless and it has really given us piece of mind for our property. Always excellent customer support (if needed) and the platform allows us to stay on top of compliance. Highly recommend!”

Managing 1 property in Dunedin

“Our experience using myRent is fantastic. It really makes being a private landlord super easy. Everything related to the tenancy in one simple to use system. We love the very responsive online support, the fact that it steers you to comply with the latest regulations without having to keep track of all the changes.”

Blair & Jules MacKinnon
Managing 13 properties in Auckland

“We love that we don’t need to mess around with creating and printing documents with myRent - the app is able to produce tenancy applications and agreements, bond lodgement and refund forms, and inspection reports. We have only had compliments from our tenants about myRent. It is great that everything regarding the tenancy is available in one place online, at any time.”

Managing 3 properties in Auckland

Rated Excellent 4.8/5 from 2,200+ reviews on Trustpilot

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