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How do my tenants and co-landlords e-sign forms created on myRent?

When you create documents on myRent, all parties are automatically notified by email once the forms are prepared and/or signed by you.

If you have multiple tenants and/or co-landlords, everyone will be notified when the tenancy document is created.

Additionally, if any user (tenants and co-landlords in this example) log in to their myRent account, they will see a red dot next to the tenancy section that requires their attention.

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When they follow the red dot and go to the specific tenancy page (e.g. Tenancy Agreement or Bond), a prompt at the top of the page will explain the outstanding action and often a link to start the process.

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The document created on myRent that require a signature can be e-signed on any device.

Once the document is fully signed, everyone will be notified by email and provided a direct link to access it and view it.

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