There is, however, a mention of a maximum number of inspections that you can have. Inspections should be held not more frequently than once in any period of 4 weeks.
It's important to remember that a tenant has a right to the 'quiet enjoyment' of the house they rent. This means landlords shouldn't interfere too much with their comfort, peace and privacy.
It is standard practice (and often a requirement of your insurance company) that routine inspections are performed every 3 months.
Although again, there is no requirement for tenants to be present during inspections, but the landlord should offer them to be present. Checking the property together is generally encouraged, helps maintain a good relationship between landlord and tenant, and provides a chance to discuss any issues on the spot.
Remember that inspections can occur between 8 am and 7 pm for rental properties and require 48-hour notice before the inspection.
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