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Why join NZPIF?

31 October 2019 is pleased to announce our partnership with New Zealand Property Investors' Federation (NZPIF). We both share a passion for providing support and solid solutions to NZ property investors.

What is the New Zealand Property Investors' Federation (NZPIF) all about?

NZPIF is the umbrella body for 20 local Property Investors' Associations throughout New Zealand. Belonging to one of the association (in our humble opinion) is essential if you’re serious about property investing.

Five reasons NZPIF is good for you:

1. They have your back

NZPIF is a political lobbyist and has more influence as an organisation than small local associations can have alone. They continue to advocate on behalf of NZ landlords and work hard to ensure that landlords' voices are heard while always pushing for a fair outcome.

Here is list of recent submissions NZPIF has made in their advocacy for NZ landlords.

2. Bunnings' discounts!

NZPIF not only provides support and expert opinion when you need it, but they also offer great financial benefits too! All NZPIF members get trade pricing on a wide range of products. The discounts are so good that they usually more than cover annual membership fees.

Members also receive real financial benefits and discounts on other property investment-related products and services.

For a list of all NZPIF partners and summary of discounts, visit here.

3. Free subscription to NZ Property Investor Magazine

Our favourite benefit is a subscription to New Zealand Property Investor magazine. This is the go-to publication to stay up-to-date with the market updates and all interesting information on property investment.

This benefit is available to all members who subscribe to the appropriate category of membership.

4. Excellent updates on current legislation changes

There is an overwhelming amount of new information on law changes out there. Your NZPIF membership will give you access to helpful resources, documents, compliance updates, and best practice suggestions. This knowledge will provide you with the confidence to invest well.

5. A community of like-minded individuals with extensive knowledge to draw on

Depending on where you’re based, your local association will run weekly or monthly meetings, events, and workshops. Don’t underestimate the power of networking with like-minded people - be it other local property investors, industry professionals, or experts. Every talk is different, and you learn a lot (we do personally - every. single. time)

What can you expect from our partnership with NZPIF?

myRent will be offering NZPIF members some very real benefits. These include a free Trade Me rental advert for new myRent signups along with cost-effective advertising on Trade Me,,,, Facebook, Trovit and myRent.

Another exclusive benefit for current NZPIF members is a 1 month free trial of the myRent management services and a 15% discount for these services after that. This 15% discount will apply to new and existing myRent users and would run until their local Association membership expires. Find out more by going to

Where to sign up?

Do yourself a favour, find a local property investors' association near you and join one today

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Advertise your rental
from $55

Includes a listing on Trade Me,, OneRoof,, and

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Tenant checks
for $35

Rent with confidence and make informed decisions with comprehensive tenant checks.

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Self-management platform from $19/month

Save time and money. Rest easy with our self-management platform. Start with a free trial.

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