In April this year, the Health and Safety Work (Asbestos) Regulations 2016 came into effect, but the rules for residential landlords remained unclear.
The original rule suggested that every residential rental property built before the year 2000 could require a rather costly asbestos management plan prepared.
WorkSafe’s new policy clarification, explains that landlords must identify asbestos and document plans for manging risks in an asbestos management plan only when there is a risk that asbestos fibres will be released into the air, most likely when renovations take place.
If residential landlords are planning to carry our works to their property, they need to identify the type of work they’re planning to do – renovation, demolition or refurbishment. If these works do create a risk of exposure to respirable asbestos fibres, then in the area of the property where works will take place, asbestos needs to be identified and an asbestos management plan needs to be prepared.
For more information on WorkSafe’s policy clarification visit their website