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Rental bonds for landlords and tenants – rights and responsibilities
Rental bonds are a typical part of a new tenancy which follow some strict rules that all landlords and tenants should understand.
20 January 2025
Advertising rentalsComplianceFor landlordsShort term rentalsStarting tenanciesTCITTenancy agreementTenancy tribunal
Can landlords advertise their property for a fixed-term term and agree for it not to become periodic upon expiry?
This is a very common situation. A landlord has a place that they want to fill for long-ish fixed-term but want to make sure the fixed-term tenancy doesn't become periodic upon expiry as they may want to use it themselves or as an Airbnb during a busy period. The question is always can this be done and how to go about it.
22 February 2022
Boarding houseComplianceCOVIDDamageEnding tenanciesFor landlordsProperty managementRenewing tenanciesRentTenancy agreementTenancy tribunal
COVID-19: Ban on rent increases and tenancy terminations
More details have now become available on the rent increase freezes, and tenancy terminations bans. These measures have now become law through the COVID-19 Response (Urgent Management Measures) Amendment Act.
26 March 2020
For landlordsBondComplianceDamageEnding tenanciesMaintenanceProperty managementRentTenancy tribunalTenant bills
What can you deduct from the bond?
Majority of disputes between landlords and tenants happen at the end of the tenancy and usually are about the bond. So landlords should know what amounts they are, in fact, entitled to deduct lawfully.
29 November 2019
For landlordsAdvertising rentalsComplianceEnding tenanciesFinding tenantsProperty managementRentTenancy tribunal
New changes to the RTA and the end to a 90-day no-cause termination notice
The landlords are about to face another reset of rental laws as the Government announced another list of changes to the Residential Tenancies Act. These changes will follow recent significant reforms like the banning of letting fees and the introduction of Healthy homes standards.
18 November 2019
For landlordsComplianceEnding tenanciesFor tenantsProperty managementTenancy agreementTenancy tribunal
How To Break A Fixed Term Tenancy Early By Mutual Consent
Tenants nor landlords can give notice to end fixed term tenancy early. However, a fixed contract can be terminated if all parties named on the tenancy agreement agreed to it.
26 August 2018
For landlordsFAQsBondInspectionsExpense trackerMaintenanceRenewing tenanciesTenancy agreementTenancy tribunalRentProperty management
Landlord FAQs
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21 August 2017