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myRent Property Inspection Report: inspections done better

13 November 2017

Photo: Old House, Devonport, New Zealand by GPS 56

myRent has developed a new way to conduct in-person inspection reports. Our property inspection reports are easy to use and provide plenty of space for adding additional details! We are making these reports freely available to all landlords, tenants, and property managers.

Where can I get the myRent Property Inspection Report?

Property Inspection Reports are an important part of any successful tenancy. myRent has developed two different property inspection reports - a more detailed one to use at the beginning (and end) of a tenancy, and a less detailed one to use during routine inspections.

Download the Initial Property Inspection Report

This report is more detailed and asks you to record all parts of the rental property. You should use this report at the beginning (and end) of the tenancy to provide a comprehensive record of the condition of the property.

Download the Routine Property Inspection Report

This report is less detailed and asks you to record changes in the condition of the rental property since the last inspection. It is easier and quicker to complete than the initial report. You should use this report for inspections during the term of the tenancy after you have conducted a comprehensive initial report.

Why should I use the myRent Property Inspection Report?

There are several benefits to using our property inspection reports:

  • Our inspection reports have been professionally designed and are beautiful to look at!
  • By having separate reports for the initial and later inspections, we make the process of conducting inspections easier and more efficient. For an routine inspection, you are only asked to record changes in the property from the previous inspection.
  • Our inspection reports are designed to maximise usability - there is plenty of space provided for each room and feature to record as much (or as little) detail as required.
  • You can customise and use our inspection reports flexibly to reflect the features and rooms of your rental property.
  • You can complete our inspection reports either by:
    • Printing them in hard-copy and filling them out by hand. If you’re using myRent to manage your tenancy, you can then scan and upload the agreement to the ‘Inspections’ section of your account.
    • Fill out the report as an interactive PDF on your device. If you filled out the inspection by hand, you could then type it into an electronic version. If you’re using myRent to manage your tenancy, you can then upload the agreement to the ‘Inspections’ section of your account.

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The information contained in this article is exclusively for promotional purposes. It does not in any way constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as the basis for any legal action or contractual dealings. The information is not, and does not attempt to be, a comprehensive account of the relevant law in New Zealand. If you require legal advice you should seek independent legal counsel. does not accept any liability that may arise from the use of this information.

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