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Tenants Moved In but Bond Unpaid? A Landlord’s Practical Next Steps

29 February 2024

One common issue that can arise at the beginning of a tenancy is the non-payment of the bond

If a tenant has moved into your property and agreed to pay a bond, but weeks have passed without the bond being paid, there are some steps you can follow to address the situation. 

Open Communication is Key

First, it's important to communicate with your tenant directly about the unpaid bond. A reminder and clarification about the terms of the agreement and the importance of paying the bond as agreed might resolve the issue without further action.

The 14-Day Notice to Remedy

If direct communication does not help, the next step would be to issue a 14-day notice to remedy. This formal notice should clearly state that the bond has not been paid as agreed upon and that payment is required within 14 days to remedy the breach of the tenancy agreement.

If you're managing your property through myRent, you can do go to the Tenancy Agreement section to create a 14-day notice to remedy digitally

The Tenancy Tribunal

If the bond remains unpaid after the notice period, you may then have grounds to take further action applying to the Tenancy Tribunal for resolution.

The Importance of Collecting the Bond Upfront

To prevent such situations from arising, it's advisable for landlords to collect the bond before the tenant moves into the property. Collecting the bond upfront is a standard procedure that benefits both parties by clarifying financial obligations and reducing the risk of disputes over unpaid bonds.

Learn more:

How does my tenant get WINZ to pay the bond to myRent?
A simple guide to starting a new tenancy

The information contained in this article is exclusively for promotional purposes. It does not in any way constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as the basis for any legal action or contractual dealings. The information is not and does not attempt to be, a comprehensive account of the relevant law in New Zealand. If you require legal advice you should seek independent legal counsel. does not accept any liability that may arise from the use of this information.

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