How it works
Viewings and applications
myRent is a platform for private landlords to advertise their rentals. Enquire, book a viewing, apply and message all from one place. Get all the info you need straight from the landlord - not a middleman.
How it works
Begin your search now
See available properties now, with no tenant fees, real pictures, and all the details upfront. We have hundreds of properties all over NZ. View listings2
Find the property you love? Send an enquiry! When you enquire about a myRent property through Trade Me,, OneRoof, Trovit, Homes, or myRent, your query is sent straight to the landlord. They will contact you directly to answer your questions. 3
Book a viewing
Some landlords will hold open homes, others private viewings. RSVP to an open home on the listing page or contact a landlord directly and find a good time to view it. 4
Ready to rent this property? It's easy to make your application online. You can choose to complete a rental application at any time - before or after you've viewed the property. Help landlords make the right decision and secure the home you want by lining up your references ahead of time. 5
Tenant checks (optional)
If the landlord wants to reference you, we'll make it super easy for you to provide any necessary details and keep you in the loop at every step with our online progress dashboard. There is no cost to tenants for referencing. Be the first to know - don't miss out on your dream property
myRent can email you listings as soon as they become available, so you can be first to know.
We care about the protection of your data. Read our Privacy Policy.
Dedicated customer support.
Every step of the way.
Our NZ based team are here and happy to answer any questions you have or help you set up your tenancy. Speak to an expert today.

Email Center
View resourcesNormal hours
9am - 5pm
Monday to Friday
If you have an urgent enquiry outside of these hours, we do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.
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