Option 1: Use this option if you would like to change the due day but keep the rent period the same.
Step 1: Go into your chosen tenancy
Step 2: Go to Settings
Step 3: Go to Rent settings
Step 4: Select Rent due day
Step 5: Select Adjust the rent due day only
Step 6: Select The day of the week Rent will be due (the minus symbol indicates previous Tuesday)
Step 7: Select The effective from date (this should be a date after the most recent recorded payment and before the next due payment)
Step 8: Select Preview (This is an important step which lets you check the rent statement below before saving changes to make sure it displays correctly)
If it doesn't display correctly you can make changes and preview again.
Step 9: Once you're happy with the changes, Select Save
Option 2: Use this option if you want to change the due day and the rent period to match. Please note this may create a prorated charge in the system so we recommend checking the preview and advising the tenant directly of the amounts to pay.
Step 1: Go into your chosen tenancy
Step 2: Go to Settings
Step 3: Go to Rent settings
Step 4: Select Rent due day
Step 5: Select Adjust day with prorated rent
Step 6: Select The day of the week Rent will be due
Step 7: Select The effective from date
Step 8: Select Preview (This is an important step which lets you check the rent statement below before saving changes to make sure it displays correctly)
If it doesn't display correctly you can make changes and preview again.
Step 9: Once you're happy with the changes, Select Save
Changes to the rent due day and/or rent period should be recorded in writing with your tenant. The create an amendment function on the tenancy agreements page of your tenancy can be used for this.