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How to process a bond refund

16 May 2022

At the end of the tenancy, landlords and tenants need to complete a bond refund form and submit it with Tenanact Services.

The bond refund form is used to release the bond back to tenants or, in case of unpaid rent or some outstanding costs, the tenants and landlords agree to refund the bond to the landlord (partially or in full).

The bond refund form can be created, signed and submitted to Tenancy Services via myRent. Simply follow the steps below to complete it.

Step 1: Go to the Bond section of your tenancy, and under the bond refund section, click on "create a bond refund form" to start the process.

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Step 2: Enter bond details, so your bond can be identified on the Bond Register.

When your bond was lodged at the start of the tenancy, you and your tenants would have received a letter from Tenancy Services (via email or post) confirming that the bond was lodged. This letter would have contained bond identifiable information - bond number, property ID and your landlord ID.

If you don't have this information or can't find the letter, please contact Tenancy Services by emailing to re-issue the letter.

Step 3: Select the landlord(s) whose name the bond was lodged under and enter your bank account details. This bank account will be used if any bond needs to be returned to the landlord.

Step 4: Select how the bond should be split. If you are claiming any of the bond, provide reasons, e.g. arrears, repairs, cleaning, outgoings or others.

Step 5: Nominate who should sign the bond refund form and sign the refund form.

Only landlords that signed the bond lodgement form and tenants who contributed to the bond should sign the bond refund form.

Step 6: Once you sign the bond refund form, we will notify the tenants and co-landlords (nominated by you in the step above). They will be asked to provide additional information missing (e.g. tenant's bank account details) and sign the form.

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The tenants will not be able to edit the bond split you nominated. If this needs adjusting, you can delete the document you've started creating, edit the split as agreed and then re-sign the bond refund form. The tenants will be asked how they would like to split the tenant portion of the bond refund between themselves. This doesn't affect the landlord's share.

Step 7: Once the form is fully signed by you, co-landlords and tenants, the bond refund form is automatically sent to Tenancy Services.

Normally, it takes about 5 working days to refund a bond when a bond refund form is fully signed.

If the landlord or tenants can't agree on how to split the bond or if one of the parties is not willing or available to sign the bond refund form, either party can apply to the Tenancy Tribunal.

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