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How to set up bank rules and automatically reconcile recurring transactions?

12 October 2021

Photo by Kindel Media from Pexels

We all have repeat transactions that we need to enter over and over again manually. You can set up a bank rule in your Expense Tracker to automatically get recurring transactions categorised and reconciled.

This feature can be used on recurring bills and auto-reconcile rent payments from tenants who regularly use their own references when paying rent.

How to create a new bank rule:

Step 1

In the "unreconciled transactions" list, go to the transaction you'd like to save as a rule and click on it.

Image Description

Step 2

Choose the category and then tick the box next to "Save the rule". Once you're happy, press "Save".

From now on, all transactions matching the description of the original transaction will be automatically reconciled.

Here's an article on how to change existing reconciliation rules

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  • DB

    I've set this up but it never works, help please!

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